I finally watched Marley & Me just now with Ema. I like Owen Wilson. He's a funny dude in his own weird way. I was expecting like a funny movie with the dog being such a pain in the ass but I was wrong. I was so wrong. It was a great movie in showing how your pets can be a friend in hard and good times. They dont talk back and certainly wont judge you. No matter how you feel, dog or cat or whatever your pet is, will make you smile. Though sometimes it will piss you off, they will somehow make you laugh in the end. So, Marley & Me was a joy to watch and at the end, Marley grew old and his time had come. It was sad to watch him die and a tear rolled down my face. It reminded me when I found my cat, Chewie, on the side of the road. Yes, I can be soft sometimes. Im only human...
R.I.P Chewie
Labels: cats, dogs, Marley and Me, movies
Kesian kawan aku sorang ni.
Takziah...hidup perlu diteruskan.
Teruskan hidupmu.
apa benda lu mat.
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