I was sleeping on a Saturday morning when my dad woke me up. Asked me to get up and get ready. I was 12 or 11 years old. Got into the car and ask him "nak gi mana pak?". He answered "TUDM". I thought, damn...he's taking me to watch him play golf. My dad loves playing his golf at TUDM Sg Besi. It was his sanctuary. When we got there, he turned into the base office for the army planes. Got out and met his friend. An army pilot, had the day off and planned to fly around KL in a small plane (I dont remember what the plane is called). Off we went into the sky and I'm looking out the window. Scared. Mind you when I was small, I hated flying. I get air sick. However, looking out the window of this small plane, I forgot all of my fear and enjoyed the view. It was beautiful. Cars were like matchbox toys only they were moving by themselves and not by my hand. People were so tiny. Everything looked like toys. I was in heaven.
That is one of sweetest memories I enjoyed with my dad. Today marks the 6th year of his passing. I love you Pak and will always miss you. Al-Fatihah.
Your son.
Al- Fatihah.
A GREAT memoir indeed... Remind me of my late dad when I rode with him in a tricycle...those days where we used to sell cendol for a living... :)
Al Fatihah to Bapak who has taught me well about life
Al Fatihah... semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat..gua ingat lg masa kat kubur Kg Cheras Baru.. :)
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