Band buat hal, organizer pening kepala..

Yesterday was the launching of web launch at Ruums KL. All the reason why I didnt join Alia in her "Meet the bloggers" gathering. Nasib baik aku tak pergi. Dia bamboozle budak-budak tu dan akibat malu, dia lari beb..hahaha. Actually, kalau I pun, I probably do the same thing. Hahahaha..biasalah, orang Malaysia memang pemalu.
Aku sampai Ruums lebih kurang 3 lebih la. Macam biasa, gig kata start kul 3 tapi 4.30 baru orang dapat masuk. Its normal because, we Malaysian's dont like things to start on time. Macam aku nya kawan sorang tu, suka buat janji Melayu. Cakap jumpa kul 2, pukul 5 baru datang. Hadirnya aku ke gig ni, bukan sebab aku nak tengok band yang main. Bukan kerana aku free sangat sampai aku takde hal lain yang aku nak buat, tapi kerana aku nak support aku nya member buat launching Web TV dorang ni, Aku sebenarnya dah cukup puas ngan zaman underground aku. Lepak di Fire, Picad dan tempat-tempat lain bersama "Ingin jadi" yang lain. Aku puji bebudak ni kerana ada guts untuk buat satu gig yang agak besar, di tempat yang agak mewah dan meletak harapan yang tinggi pada band-band yang kian meningkat di scene ni dan juga band yang dah meningkat dari pelbagai aspek (perut, facial hair, usia dll.) Crowd pada semalam agak ok, dan secara jujurnya, agak hambar. Maaf Lan. Aku terpaksa jujur. Kalau aku tak jujur, korang akan tetap tertipu ngan pengipas yang tak di ingini. Aku agak kecewa ngan turnout maybe sebab terlalu banyak gig pada hari itu atau band yang bermain mungkin tidak tepati citarasa all the other crowds atau mungkin semua dah ke Genting nak tengok Missy Elliot, rapper montel dari Amerika. Tetapi as your first major gig, at least ramai la jugak yang datang. I give you a pat on the back. Like I said, no guts no glory. So you guys got guts.
The gig started with Melodica. A rock band with a little twist of Metallica and a pinch of Creed. Aku tak layan sangat dorang main sebab aku dok sebuk duduk kat luar layan gelak ketawa ngan Amy Boy. I caught few last song by them, and they sound kinda tight. Lepas dorang, Priority was on stage with their blend of Arctic Monkeys with a dash of Strokes. Completely forgetable for me. Sorry guys. Aku malas la nak citer panjang-panjang. Band yang main lepas tu, Oh Chentaku, Jahz Desciple, Pure Vibracion, Deja Voodoo Spells, Meet Uncle Hussein, Butterfingers, Love Me Butch and OAG (did I miss out any other band?) I think the band that caught my attention most was Jahz Desciple. A metalcore band with a powerful set that moved every person on the floor. Good set guys. Everyone that came was here to watch Butterfingers. Butters played a much normal set as they always have. No one can deny that they are one tight band but thats about it. And yeah, your new songs, sound so much like Radiohead. After they had gone, so was the crowd. I left while Love Me Butch was playing. All in all, no major hicups for the show but things do need to improve but for your first major gig, a pat on the back for making it happen. Good luck guys.
P/S : all the reason why I hate u Amin. Tengoklah gambar aku tu. Hampeh..anyone want to sumbang ke dana "peeps + dslr camera = happy"?
dude! come on!!!
i did not bamboozled them, i was just SHY k! plus, i did take the effort to go there and tawaf the place. malu gila k.
gawshh... how come i missed the invi to this band thingy, eh, wait a minute, there was no invi for me in the first place!! poyo arr...
neways, biasa la rakyat alam malaysia ni kan.being on time is like a taboo that can never be spoken of.
Janji ada gambo...ok la tu
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