Sep 23, 2008

Oh Wendy!

This is what I had for buka puasa last nite. Ema and I went to Wendy's in Sunway Pyramid. Ever since it opened in KL, I wanted to try Wendys burger to see what the fuss is all about. I was kinda disappointed. I didnt enjoy it that much. However, I like the shrimp burger though. Something different. But yeah..Wendys..not so hot.


Sep 22, 2008


I got this in my email from my aunt.

Four jobs I have had in my life:

Art Director Hunter Advertising

Art Director/Self Employed Graficarte Concept

Art Director Murad Hashim Associates

Retail Asst Memory Lane

Four movies I would watch over and over:

Star Wars

Empire Strikes Back


Shaolin Soccer

Four places I have l lived:



Kuala Lumpur

Johor Bahru

Four TV Shows that I watch:

Thats 70's Show



Flights of the conchords

Four places I have been:





Four people who email me most:


My Clients



Four favourite things to eat:


Laksa Johor

Nasi Ayam

Big Juicy Steak

Four places I would rather be right now:

In my bed




Four Things I am looking forward to this year (2008):

Executing my secret mission for 2009

Making more money (16.5 million to be exact)

Better fortune

Better career


It's a chaos

The only planetwide music festival invades Singapore with Atreyu, As I Lay Dying, Story Of The Year and MUCC!

The Rockstar Taste of Chaos goes overseas again after over 260 Worldwide dates in the past 4 years and playing in over 23 countries which have included the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Mexico and many others. Now, the only worldwide lifestyle festival tour, the Rockstar Taste of Chaos is back with another onslaught and comes to Singapore on November 8th at Fort Canning Park!

8 Nov 2008 Sat, 7:00PM

Fort Canning Park

TICKET PRICE (Exclude $3 Booking Fee)
S$110 - Event Day, 8 Nov 2008
S$95 - 22 Sep - 7 Nov 2008

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Sep 18, 2008

Ramadhan Al Mubarak part 2

Bulan puasa ni selalu mengingatkan aku zaman remeja aku. Zaman sekolah yang penuh dengan kemalasan untuk berpuasa. Bukannya tak boleh cuma nakal untuk rasa living on the edge (poyo gile) dan kemungkinan di tangkap tidak berpuasa. Aku teringat a few stories dulu dalam bulan puasa ni yang agak kelakar.

Story 1 - Perihal tembikai

Masa tu aku dalam bas untuk pulang ke rumah dari sekolah. Tengahhari panas nak mampus (not as hot as these days..damn u global warming!) aku tertidur kat dalam bas. Biasalah, sapa naik bas tak tertidur. Kawan aku Amree selalu tidur dalam bas and thats another story altogether. Tengah aku tidur tu, aku mimpi depan muka aku sepotong tembikai yang paling manis and juicy that I have ever seen. So, I was reaching out my hands to pick up this watermelon to eat it and just about to put into my mouth, my bloody friend woke me up! This was the conversation...

Friend : Ko apahal wei!!
Aku : Apasal? Ko ni kacau ah!
Friend : Yelah, kau dok sedap tidur tetiba tangan ko terangkat cam nak amik benda apasal??
Aku : Hahahahaha..aku mimpi aku nak makan tembikai siot!!
Friend : Bodoh!

Hahahahahahahaha..itulah cerita yang tak seberapa kelakar tapi kelakar ah jugak untuk aku. Tak kelakar ke? As if I care what you think..hahahahahahahahahah..

Story 2 - Tangga yang sejuk
Zaman sekolah gak, aku pergi Lot 10 ngan member. Chilling on a lucky weekend where I got out of the house when it was nearly impossible zaman dulu sebab mak aku memang tak bagi aku keluar. Under srict supervision. Hahaha..So masa tu kitaorang dahaga nak mampus la dan kawan aku, the late Dheepak (my friend died of a heart problems a few years ago..sad) bought us a can of coke I think..cant really recall what drink it was. Kitaorang decide nak pergi la kat tangga Lot 10 tu to drink it. Without our knowledge, pak guard Lot 10 dah macam suspek kitaorang ah. Lepas dah minum, share 5 orang ni, gila nikmat air tu..hehe. Tetiba je pak guard tu masuk tangga. Nasib baik kitaorang dah abis minum..hehe. We couldnt find a dustbin in staircase so we just decided to put it behind the door. We made our move when suddenly pak guard tu panggil kitaorang. Dia tanya apasal ada can belakang pintu ni. We denied knowing about the can and acted like why some people just dont know how to throw away their rubbish at the right place. we just picked it up and walked away. Pak guard tu mengeleng je kepala. Couldnt prove anything so what can he do. Bodoh gile cerita ni sebenarnya..hahahahaha.

Do you have any funny "ponteng puasa" stories? Share with me ya!

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Thanks for ruining everything you ungrateful son of a biatch!

P.S : You still one of my favourite striker though! hahaha..


Sep 16, 2008

Ramadhan Al Mubarak

Semalam aku buka puasa di KLCC dan dikelilingi artis-artis tempatan. Aku tidak bangga. Cuma hanya ingin memberitahu.


Sep 14, 2008

As little as possible...

I got tired with black and everything else. White, simple and minimal. I LOVE IT! Dont you?

I've gone back to black! hahahahahahahahahahha

Sep 10, 2008

Im flying!

Yes sir! Its here! Flights of the Conchords is on HBO! Apa yang nak dikecohkan sangat? Sapa dorang ni? Dua jejaka dari New Zealand yang sangat kelakar. Serius kuda mereka ini kelakar! Tak percaya? Pastikan korang nonton mereka di HBO (untuk yang ada Astro, sapa yang takde gi lah rumah member yang ada ye!) pada jam 10.30 malam ini!! Pastikan anda menonton dan ceritalah pada saya kalau mereka ini tidak kelakar langsung dan saya ini bodoh kerana menyukai mereka. Terima kasih!

Sep 8, 2008

Anjing dan kucing

Beberapa hari di Kuala Lumpur di temani oleh hujan yang tak berhenti turun. Buat seketika aku terasa cam aku kat London. Basah, hujan tak berhenti dan sejuk. Kat area rumah aku ni, kalau hujan memang sejuk. Aku yang gilakan cuaca sejuk pun tak tahan ngan kesejukan hujung minggu. Sejuk sungguh.

Hari Jumaat lepas juga aku telah pergi menonton wayang sebelum solat Jumaat. Kali ini aku bersama Amin. Dah takde cerita menarik nak nonton, kami gagahkan diri untuk tonton Death Race. John Statham yang macho menjadi watak utama cerita BODOH ini. Ya rakan-rakanku, ceritanya sangat bodoh! Aku tak pernah menonton movie yang sangat ganas dengan ramai manusia terbunuh cara kejam dan berjaya membuat aku ketawa dengan cara mereka mati. Sungguh kelakar. Terasa diriku sangat bodoh menonton wayang itu.


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